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PVGs, Regulated Roles and Referrals

PVG and Safe Sport

The Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) membership scheme helps ensure that people who are unsuitable to work with children and protected adults cannot do regulated work with these vulnerable groups.

For all clubs, when appointing a person (paid/voluntary) to work with vulnerable groups (children and protected adults), they must follow the Safer Recruitment Process. As part of the process, the club must apply to Scottish Swimming for a PVG/regulated role suitability check who will then either process and PVG application for the member, or confirm their suitability if already a swimming PVG scheme member.

By following this process you can be confident that all people within the club in a regulated role have a PVG in place and that they have not been listed or barred since joining the scheme.

All members in a regulated role must also have active Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport training in place – see training section.

Note for all clubs – all clubs are required to have a PVG Processing Contract in place when processing PVGs to assure Scottish Volleyball, Disclosure Scotland and your members that data is processed following the law. 


Once a club has filed all the relevant documents with Scottish Volleyball, a club CWPO can begin the PVG application process at the PVG Application link.

Who needs a PVG

Not everyone in your club requires a PVG, only those who have a role that comes under the definition of regulated work. Regulated roles within Scottish Volleyball are Child Welfare and Protection Officers,Coaches & Team Managers.

If you have any questions on the PVG process including: eligibility or what constitutes regulated work, please contact the Scottish Volleyball Welfare Officer at .

PVG and Suitability Check

The following process applies to all new members BEFORE starting a regulated role for your club.

New Role within the club? If they already have a PVG for your club, but are simply moving to another regulated role, then they can take on a new role without applying for another suitability check with Scottish Volleyball  this is only if the PVG is no older than 5 years old. If older than 5 years old, please submit a regulated roles application form.

Member has a PVG already for another affiliated swimming club but not with your club? The club CWPO should apply to Scottish Volleyball for a suitability check by following the process below.

Member already has a PVG for another organisation out with Volleyball? The club should follow the process below.

Volunteers under 16

Once a volunteer turns 16, they must have a PVG in place to continue carrying out a regulated role. Scottish Volleyball can process PVGs for 15 year olds to ensure that they can continue working within the role once they turn 16. We do not process any PVGs for people under 15; they should not be carrying out an unsupervised regulated role therefore do not require a PVG.

How often should a PVG be renewed?

Best practise is to renew PVGs every 3 years, however currently they do not expire.

Leaving a Regulated Role

When a member leaves a regulated role, it is very important to let Scottish Volleyball know. This is because if that person was listed or barred in the future, and you haven’t removed your club’s link with the member, this could lead to a data breach.

To advise Scottish Volleyball that someone has left a regulated role with your club, simply complete the removal of interest form and return to for processing.


When it becomes clear than an individual is no longer suitable to work with children and/or protection adults, it is important for clubs or Scottish Volleyball to pass on information to Disclosure Scotland (DS). DS then use this information to determine if someone remains suitable to continue to undertake regulated work, or if they should be removed from regulated work. This process is called Making a Referral. There is a Scottish Volleyball policy for this, and each club is also required to have a policy in place. For specific advice please contact Scottish Volleyball’s Welfare Officer.

If a member becomes listed or barred, Scottish Volleyball is notified by Disclosure Scotland. At that point all clubs are notified who have that member listed with them in a regulated role.

Scottish Volleyball Documents