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Every Body Moves

Every Body Moves

We are proud to support Every Body Moves (EBM), an initiative dedicated to helping disabled people across the UK become more active. EBM is an activity finder and provides comprehensive information and advice on accessible sports clubs and activities, making it easier for everyone to participate in physical activity.  

Join us in promoting inclusivity and physical activity by exploring the resources available on the EBM website. Whether you’re looking for accessible sports clubs, activities, or ways to get involved, EBM is your go-to source for making sports accessible to all.   

Visit Every Body Moves today to learn more and find accessible sports opportunities near you, particularly Sitting Volleyball.

Scottish Volleyball will be starting the strategy with a series of taster sessions around Scotland in Autumn 2024. More information will be available in September 2024, but for now, Expressions of Interest are being taken via Microsoft forms.