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Drummond Cluster


In partnership with the CEV, Scottish Volleyball have been working with the CEV to build a robust platform to grow school level volleyball as part of the CEV Schools Project. #NETSETGO has concentrated on introducing the game earlier, with Primary School pupils and teachers being the primary focus for our project in 3 key areas across Scotland. 

We wanted to show young people that volleyball was an option for them as early as primary school and present a pathway to club volleyball through fantastic partnership working between the SVA, Volleyball Clubs, Active Schools, sportscotland, Local Authorities and Young Leadership programmes.

Educating teachers has been a priority, as we know how valuable they are in
developing our sport across the school pathway. With the support of CEV, we have started to collate some great ideas and content for teachers to use within a school setting and we are now seeing the benefits of sharing this nationally. 

Nationally the project has worked with over 450 primary age students and delivered Talent days, Master classes, Teacher CPD, Leadership training and Volleyball Festivals. The project has also supplied 6 brand new SVK5 Mikasa Volleyballs to each cluster primary school & 6 brand new SK5 Mikasa Volleyballs and a Mikasa volleyball net to each High School to help support the future delivery of such events and sessions.

What we have achieved with this project has exceeded our expectations, not just in terms of numbers of players and teachers involved, but the quality of sessions and events with which we have delivered as a result of these great partnerships, and we are really excited to further develop the project going forward into next year.

Here’s a little more about what we did…

Drummond Community High School in Edinburgh, has been the setting for our second key area in Scotland. We have engaged 100 primary school pupils from 4 local primary schools to our sport through a variety of sessions including curriculum sessions and talent days. This project has also paved the way for 15 Drummond Community High School senior students to train as sports leaders, who are now further developing their skills with the Active Schools team at the high school. The High School leaders supported with the organisation, administration and excellent delivery of the Volleyball sessions and events.

Jets Volleyball Club helped support this, sharing information about their club sessions, to show the pathway for the local young people to play out with school. 

This project was celebrated with a volleyball festival for all 100 pupils to put their learning into practice, where they got the chance to play against other schools and have some fun.