Sunday 10th November saw the Perth & District Recreational Local League teams assemble at Perth College for their second round of league fixtures.
First up were local sides with Ian McGrath’s Motley Crew taking on Jane Cafferty’s Nae Fear. Nae Fear started well taking a 9-2 lead but Crew fought back to within 2 points before Nae Fear got back in gear to win 25-13. The second set followed a similar pattern with Fear running out winners 25-15. Russel Edwards Aberfeldy then played Nae Fear and this was a close game with the Breadalbane side scraping home in the first set 26-24. The second set again was fairly even with Nae Fear leading 14-11 at full time. The Breadalbane side had an easier time against the young Kinross High team, comfortably winning by two sets to love.
There was another split result when Motley Crew played Amanda Howie’s Tay Pearls with Crew taking the first set 25-21 and Pearls just failing to secure the second set as they led 24-18 at the final whistle. Ksawier Grabowski’s Notorious DIG opened their evening with a 25-20; 25-20 win against Lewis McMillan’s Perth UHI.
Closest match of the evening was between Notorious DIG and Ian Curry’s Aberuthven. The Diggers wone the first set 25-21 but Aberuthven fought back to level the match edging the second set 25-23. With only minutes remaining it was probably fair that the score was tied at 2 points each as the final whistle sounded giving us our first draw of the season. Aberuthven then played Blaze Ferguson’s Handsy Hitters. The first set saw Aberuthven take a 12-9 lead before going on to seal victory 25-18; 25-18. Aberuthven also won by two sets to love against Teo Wilson’s Kinross High School side.
Michael Donaldson’s Kinross opened against Handsy Hitters winning 25-16; 25-4. They also went on to defeat their local High School team by two sets to love to round off the evening’s play.
The third round of Recreational volleyball fixtures took place on Sunday 17th November afternoon at Bertha Park School with some exciting games being played over the afternoon.
Jamie Salvin’s Nae Fear were first on court against Amanda Howie’s Tay Pearls and Pearls struggled to cope with Fear’s fire power going down by two sets to love. Fear then faced Fear then faced Jamie Booth’s Kinross who also couldn’t cope with their effective attacking, Fear winning 25-15; 21-18. Fear made it three wins out of three when they overcame Blaze Ferguson’s Handsy Hitters 25-10; 25-18.Tay Pearls then played Lewis McMillan’s Perth UHI and the College side won this won 25-12; 25-14. The College side then dumped Harry Imlay’s new team, Dodgy Diggers by two sets to love. Diggers then took on Kinross High School with the school side taking the first set 25-14. The second set was much closer and it was dogged determination which saw Diggers scrape through 29-27 for a draw. Diggers rounded off their afternoon playing Ian McGrath’s Motley Crew just doing enough to secure a win 25-13; 25-19. Crew then faced Kinross and it was the visitors who won this one 25-12; 25-15. Crew’s final game was against Ksawier Grabowski’s Notorious DIG and it was Notorious DIG who won this one 25-15; 9-3. Final game of the afternoon saw Notorious DIG come out on top against Handsy Hitters 25-15; 25=11

This Sunday’s fixtures to be played at Perth College (officiating team in brackets):
Referee Referee
18:00 Nae Fear v Dodgy Diggers (Aberfeldy) Notorious DIG v Tay Pearls (Aberuthven)
18:35 Notorious DIG v Aberfeldy (Dodgy Diggers) Aberuthven v Nae Fear (Tay Pearls)
19:10 Aberuthven v Dodgy Diggers (Notorious DIG) Handsy Hitters v Tay Pearls (Perth UHI)
19:45 Kinross v Dodgy Diggers (Nae Fear) Kinross High v Perth UHI (Motley Crew)
20:20 Aberfeldy v Perth UHI (Kinross) Handsy Hitters v Motley Crew (Kinross High)
20:55 Kinross v Perth UHI (Aberfeldy) Kinross High v Motley Crew (Handsy Hitters)