The Scottish Volleyball members meeting will take place on Saturday 22nd June at Peffermill Playing Fields. This will mark the beginning of an exciting time for the organisation as a vote will occur to elect a new President and Vice-President.

The vacancy for candidates putting themselves forward has now ended and Scottish Volleyball are delighted to announce the candidates below:


John Scrimgeour

I have been involved in volleyball since 1969 when my PE teacher introduced the game into class lessons. Since then, I have played for both Jordanhill College and Dundee Volleyball Club. I played 1294 games for Dundee and have coached in the club since 1982. I have represented Scotland both as a player and a coach within both senior and junior programmes. I have been on the Board for 2 years in 1980s and on the Coaches Commission since 1995. I was Coaching Manager for 2 years from 2018 until 2020.

As you can see my commitment to volleyball is immense and it is a great passion. I would like to help develop and promote volleyball around the country in any way possible. Being a presence at volleyball events, school tournaments and cup finals as a figurehead of Scottish Volleyball would be a great honour. Recognising the effort, progress, and continued involvement of players and coaches is vital for the sport to grow. I would be thrilled to help in any way as President of Scottish Volleyball.

Andrew Fleming

Having read the job advertisement and role remit, I want to submit my application, as facets of the position were extremely interesting to me, and I feel there are many areas where I could effectively contribute. I feel that my employment history and achievements have afforded me numerous experiences that I could draw upon to meet the remit outlined for this position. I feel that my previous employment has equipped me with skills that I believe would be vital for this role, particularly my seven years employment at Scottish Volleyball. 

-Excellent communication skills
-Ability to develop and nurture partnership
-Strategic planning and thinking
-Project management
-Financial management

Throughout my career in Sport and physical activity, believe that I have developed a professional network that would assist me in fulfilling the highlighted role effectively. I also feel that my personal drive and motivation would serve me well in the available position.

I would be more than happy to expand on any of the information contained herein and thank you for your consideration.


Simon Loftus

I have been incredibly fortunate to represent Scottish Volleyball as a player and a National Team head coach.

In recent years it has been gratifying to see the next generation of staff, players and coaches come to the fore and help move the game forward in Scotland.

It is my wish to offer some of my insight and experience gained from working around the world with different cultures and contexts to further develop the game in Scotland.

It is my belief that my experiences in England, Sweden and the USA coupled with attending World University Games and Olympic Games will help Scotland in continuing to look out and become a bigger player on the world stage.

Domestically I currently chair the BUCS volleyball working group and I work closely with CIMSPA as part of their educational partnership forum and as such I feel that I have a very good understanding of developments within the sport of volleyball but across the larger sporting landscape which ideally places me to inform on policy and trends

Arron Dougan

I am a passionate and driven individual who strives to deliver an excellent quality of work and I am always looking for ways to develop and enhance my professional skill set.

Naturally, I believe this role is a great fit for my skills, qualities, and personality, and I believe that I can confidently act on behalf of Scottish Volleyball as ambassador for the sport.

Having reviewed the role description and the advert, I would like to submit this application as I feel that my background in sport development / Active Schools will allow me to contribute effectively to the organisations continued growth and development.

I have an understanding of the Scottish sporting sector / landscape as well as being part of a number of networks within such as Active Schools and Community Sport Hubs to name a few.

To vote, please sign up to the event using the link provided.

For more information on the voting process and who is eligible to vote, see the rules of voting here.

Please note that every person attending must be an active member of Scottish Volleyball or will not be able to vote, nor be able to access any of the workshops. To renew your membership please click here: Renew My Membership

For members who wish to vote, but cannot attend, please complete this form to assign someone as your proxy. Members voting via proxy as well as those representing them on the day, must be an active member of Scottish Volleyball. All forms are to be returned by midday on Wednesday 19th June to If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact