Reminder for Clubs

At Scottish Volleyball we are delighted to be back on the courts and seeing our clubs out playing in their leagues again this past weekend. We are, however, still living with the reality of Covid-19, and we’d like to remind all our clubs of the things we need to do to keep volleyball, and each other, as safe as possible. This infographic outlines the key points we would like clubs to remember, and as always, our most up to date guidance is available on our website by clicking the Covid-19 Guidance Button. Let’s all do what we can to stop the spread so that we can continue to Play It Safe.

Image of an infographic that reads: Return to Indoor Volleyball, Playing it Safe, 7 October 2021. Help Keep the Virus Under Control, a few key reminders for a Return to Indoor Volleyball: 1) Clubs should ensure they are following maximum facility capacity guidelines. Remember to ‘Give People Space’. 2) Keep sports hall well ventilated by opening windows and doors where possible. 3) Participants should wear a face covering before and after activity and when in non-playing areas of the venue e.g. toilets/changing rooms. 4) Players, coaches, referees and substitutes do not need to wear a face covering DURING activity as they are considered active participants. Please note: ‘Inactive’ officials (scorers and line judges) and spectators should wear a mask before, during, and after the activity. 5) No Hand-shaking should take place between teams/coaches/referees. 6) Wash your hands regularly. Clubs should provide accessible hand sanitiser for teams, officials, and spectators. 7) Use NHS Lateral Flow home testing twice a week to test for asymptomatic cases. Self-isolate and take a PCR test if you test positive or show symptoms. 8) Use Protect Scotland and Check-In Scotland apps for participants and spectators to keep a register of people at your matches. This information should be read in conjunction with Scottish Government guidelines. It is being constantly reviewed and as such is subject to change. Please check for the most up to date guidance.