Lorn VC – Oban Primary Inter-schools Volleyball Cup

On Thursday March 21st the Oban Primary Inter-schools Volleyball Cup was held at Atlantis Leisure, Oban.  The competition is in its third year and was attended by teams from Rockfield, Park, and Dunbeg Primary Schools. The proud winners this year are Park Primary who took away the coveted shield for second time.

The annual event forms the culmination for the three after school clubs set up by Zalina Dzhatieva in 2009. About 50 kids in Oban trains on a weekly basis which is only possible due to the help of school staff and parents volunteers, continues support of Dale Kupris, Active Schools and Lorn Volleyball Club. There is Lorn VC junior club started this year where Peter MacCracken and Jana Baird coach a squad of P5-S2. Maria Wilson runs another primary afterschool club in its second year and just started secondary one in Fort William. Started in 2010 Lorn VC has 15 core members who meet to play recreational games every Thursday night in Atlantis Leisure, Oban.

Interestingly, with 15 nationalities as to our records Lorn VC could claim a title of the most international volleyball club in Scotland.  We would be happy to host games for juniors and clubs at our venue. Welcome to Oban!

Email: VolleyballOban@btopenworld.com