Edinburgh Young Ambassadors – Journey to London 2012

Being a Games Maker at the Olympic and Paralympic Games is a tough jobGames makers – it takes dedication, enthusiasm and commitment. When I heard that a group of young people from Edinburgh’s Active Schools programme had applied to be Games Makers at the London 2012 Games, I was very excited to meet them.

I was given the opportunity to speak to the potential Young Games Makers in the lead up to their interview in London. I offered my advice and a little bit of training in the hope that it would help them to be successful in their interview. When I arrived at Ainslie Park Leisure Centre and was met by their group leaders, Heather, Fiona, Bev and Tommy, I got a sense of a well-organised unit. The group had come from all over Edinburgh to meet for the day and as I explained the roles and responsibilities of a Ball Retriever, Quick Mopper and Floor Mopper the young people listened, absorbed the information and asked questions. They experienced the ball retrieving, and did a great job with limited volleyball knowledge. They watched the mopping and took on board the information that was given to them.

In the short space of time that I had to meet with them and talk to them, I got a real sense of team unity from them. They are keen, they have fantastic group leaders and I think they will make great  Games Makers for the Olympic and Paralympics in London next year.

On behalf of Scottish Volleyball, I wish these 16 boys and girls and their group leaders the best of luck in theirinterview in London next week. I know they will do their best and really show off their enthusiasm and eagerness.