Shaping Scottish Volleyball

Strategic PlanningPreparations for delivering the next 4-year Strategic Plan for Scottish volleyball are well under way.  An on-line consultation and series of Strategic Planning and Governance Days has helped drive this forward.

The next planning day is scheduled for 23 November, ahead of this I’d be very keen to hear more views on how you think our sport should rise to the unprecedented opportunities that this planning cycle offers: preparing for the London Olympics in 2012 and Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014 will massively boost the profile of (and funding for?) sport; and both events have huge legacy ambitions that we are ideally placed to benefit from.

Our membership, and the clubs that are at the heart of all we do, are well represented on the planning group, but I’d like to encourage as much input into this process as possible, we have one chance to get this right.

Whatever your role in volleyball and however big or small your ambitions are for our sport I’d love to hear your views and ideas.  Email me directly to email or through the SVA office, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like any more detail.

Jim Berryman
SVA Board Member (and Project Manager: Strategic Plan 2009-13)